How To Do a Resistance Band Lateral Raise Into Front Raise
Lateral Raise
Step 1: Step on the middle of the band with feet about hip-width apart.
Step 2: Stand tall with chest out and back straight. Arms at your sides. This is the starting position.
Step 3: Begin exercise by raising arms straight out from your sides until they are in line with your shoulders (parallel to the ground). Pause, then slowly lower arms back down to the starting position.
Step 1: Grab a resistance band, loop it under your feet, and hold handles in each hand, with your arms at your sides.
Step 2: Raise your arms straight in front of you until they’re parallel to the floor and perpendicular to your torso.
Step 3: Your hands should be at shoulder level and the thumb sides of your hands should be facing up. Pause, then slowly lower back to the starting position.